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Dr. Shraddha Satav

Dr. Shraddha Satav

Consultant - Pediatrics and Neonatology
  • Experience
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  • OPD Timing

Dr. Shraddha Satav has completed her MD in Pediatrics and a fellowship in neonatology, establishing herself as a respected authority in the field. She specializes in neonatology and the meticulous care of infants and young children, particularly in managing the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), where her focus is on providing comprehensive care for fragile newborns. Alongside providing extensive care for children with complex medical needs, her expertise has been crucial in treating numerous infants in the NICU, offering invaluable support and guidance to their families. Additionally, she has received training in providing nutritional care in pediatrics during her PGPN program at Boston University. Her areas of interest include Pediatric and neonatal ventilation, infectious diseases, immunization, and child growth and development.

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